Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Anniversary Of Death Cards One Year


Francisco de Narvaez is perhaps the most used political Web 2.0 in the last election. In 2007, when he ran for governor of the province of Bu you in Aires, s orprendió a campaign in Second Life. From then on betting heavily on Web 2.0 with successes and failures, however following the recent legislative elections in Argentina, Francisco de Narvaez emerged as a candidate with more coming to the youth. The play of political marketing aho ra elected legislator was overwhelming as it had before important human and economic resources.

On a Web campaign could be seen the same situation. With a strong investment in the political campaign on the Internet, digital communication equipment
Francisco de Narváez created distinct spaces that drew Web. The biggest failure was in no mome nt aimed at segmenting the electorate, a strategy that was instrumental in the campaign of Barack Obama in the U.S. and brought a very effective channel to the electorate and LLE gar the message to minorities. This was not the case because it took a while to develop some sites that were efficient in case of electoral situation (see the case nuestraboleta.com), there ot ros were implemented but did not produce traffic and interest and were in unproductive activities (see e case unidosenlaweb.com l).

was also seen a significant commitment in resources r used exclusively to build a digital computer which is remarkable. Assemble teams around campaign engaged to work only on Politics 2.0 is what should implement No candidates from now on. Political Marketing will increasingly need the e- Political Marketing.

digital equipment Francisco de Narváez attempted "to
Caparo Web and positioning strategy for this tactic was implemented mu multiple sites. No pregnant go, not at all clear that this move of political marketing on the Internet was really effective and brought a final result that has justified many of the candidate sites. Surely less been reached and the election results would have been the same.

Below is a survey of the spaces digita them. The + and - web campaign of Francisco de Narváez:


Aimed at young people who would vote for the first time, the site was advertised as saying: "In three minutes grass doubts on how to vote." There are explained in briefly and concisely all about how to vote on a number of items.


space aimed to motivate people to participate by registering on the page and entering your details and up some expression of commitment. It is unclear if they sought to get some action other than the electorate, rather than to generate a proprietary database p ara the same season and for use in the future. If the latter was the target site must have been very e fectivo.


Another site aimed at young people which published news proselytizing activities and incorporating a forum for discussion and participation, although with little intervention: the theme "Young People who want to grow" was the one who had the most participation with 28 postings
and theme "Proposals" where they could get to see the feedback to the citizen as ide to generate as had only 3 postings.


The call for tax to control the counting of Feedback was one of the main both Stolbizer Narvaez as to address the structure of the Peronist party apparatus. The space also featured a Test to see how much sa Bias of the electoral process, a move which also used the Civic Agreement and Social. Without doubt one of the best actions to encourage citizens to participate and engage in the electoral process.


The site showed the list of candidates ballot and it was a very effective action to remove doubts as the site was developed from the termination of the distribution of ballots for a suspected apocryphal candidate Fernando Narvaez and distributed to confuse the electorate. An action nr or to ask and effective permitted or circumvent the problem of false ballots and complemented or with the distribution of ballots in the streets.


Here you could find the Basis of Action Political and Electoral Platform, in too brief, very general explanations and poor, undeveloped how to implement these policies. result information or too low to be an election platform which should detail each of the actions to take. Dej air or a few ideas and the site is done or s nly to meet and demonstrate that has focused on building a working platform.


A site that incorporates its activity as a legislator. Friendly aesthetic, as most of the candidate sites, the page tries to be a kind of virtual office but not the amount of information which tend to have this kind of sites that it can be found at his personal website www. franciscodenarvaez.com.ar .


was the first of the spaces disseminated by the press and communications team. The site allows citizens who were insecure to make a complaint online by entering the crime and its location. This will display a map of the province of Buenos Aires with a record of the areas most affected by insecurity. The site was effective in positioning and distribution being replicated by most media as a novelty. But the action posed a serious dilemma: If people ask politicians
q ue seek security solutions, how a politician given to seek solutions to people and delegating responsibility the city for the fight? The reality is that people in this area and seeks guidance from the political commitment to take necessary and appropriate measures, not the reverse.
On the other hand, the space was filled with false allegations and jokes that did nothing but play down an issue as sensitive as insecurity, which speaks of an action or communication
n irresponsible policy without having measured the possible consequences. Security is not an issue that can be resolved collaboratively but demands action to m s top-down part of the pol t ticos and then, from these ideas and actions, to work together with society.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Lorna Morgan Iphone Vids

De Narváez Political marketing: Wallet killing machine?

"wallet killing machine" is owned by Carlos Fara political consultant, a specialist in electoral analysis, who a few days after the last legislative elections responses raised the defeat of the national ruling party in the province of Buenos Aires to several leaders the Justice Party.

The reference is to direct investment made by the winner of this election, Francisco de Narvaez, in his campaign. To make an illustrative description Fara said: "In traditional politics, the unit is in charge, I have the player to solve. In politics it represents Narvaez, money flows are modest in parts of the old unit, but basically no money is used differently, with professionalism, inquiring into society in a comprehensive manner, planning, understanding what people are saying through surveys and acting accordingly. "

What happened in the 2007 elections?
Cases like that of Francisco de Narváez
can be interesting if you look resources (financial and human) put into action when working on the assembly of a marketing and communications, whether the Web or elsewhere. Narvaez, a millionaire businessman-turned-politician, has a powerful bank account clearly made available to the campaign, beyond the accusations of his rival of violating the Electoral Act which determines limits of private entities (whatever) that contribute to a campaign.

electoral On his way to be governor of the province of Buenos Aires in 2007 also surprised with some tactical moves that showed at the forefront of digital campaigns and political advertising on the streets of Second Life. However, with low insertion has this 3D virtual world in Argentina, it was clearly a media play out in the media for more than a strategy to win votes segmented youth. The reality is that Second Life in Latin America still is not among the sailors' preferences when looking for entertainment and leisure
Internet. This kind of tactics are effective only for positioning and getting the media to "speak of one."


great investment strategy and advertising did not accomplish their tasks and the election results were conclusive: only won 15% of the votes being relegated to third place (which any pollster expected), behind Margarita Stolbizer and Daniel Scioli.

If two years ago ordered the same resources without obtaining the expected results, what was The difference this time? Returning to the sentence of Carlos Fara, "wallet killing machine", why he did in 2007? The reality was that nobody knew Narvaez, for more money than had ever reached the position in the minds of the electorate.

On the other hand, if the national ruling party (Kirchner-Scioli) through the allocation of resources earmarked for social programs, public works and appliances could capitalize on the vote in 2007 and this year again to resort to these actions clientelistic " why not hit him this time?

cycle Will the ruling in the province of Buenos Aires was already finished before the election?

Is that kills your wallet? Or simply help to finish down cycles when you are short time to live? In short, beyond the advertising and marketing activities, people end up wasting rewarding or who want.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wedding Card Templates For Friends

Top Five of the political campaign that used

The political campaign of 2009 legislative elections in Argentina left communication activities for all tastes. Many lack of ideas, candidate testimonials, spots aggressive political dancing, little debate and candidates who flashes on television.

five Here we show highlights of the political campaign of the last legislative elections in Argentina. Political marketing MOST Ró serious errors in the transmission of messages in the management of mass media and how to safeguard the image of a candidate.

These communication specifically highlights
for bad taste or lack of courage, beyond that some could be effective. What advisers should consider the communication of the candidates is whether this is all they have to say politicians now. They certainly answer: "is what people want." Again, the theory becomes "the chicken or the egg." The same happens when we see television channels broadcast only deal with programs that alienate people and cultivate only the "show" as entertainment, the "bread and circuses" for the people, which of course I mean ignorant and foolish . It seems that the media advisers of politicians have several common points with television producers.

1 - Francisco de Narváez "slap" to the electorate.
It was certainly a strong spot sought the reaction of citizens to "change" the political course in the province of Buenos Aires. This notice of Union-Pro differed with respect to the above in which the candidates could see Narvaez, Macri and Michetti speaking directly to citizens. The spot of slaps "attempted to chart the successive blows by the people from different governments over recent years although the latter manages to dodge the blow young, indicating learning of the abuse. The spot gave a lot to talk r for their aggressiveness and was one of the most impacted (with more rejection than support) in society. It also illustrates how politicians are quite naive in accepting the recommendations of its advertisers and confidence in how extreme they may touch the edge of misfortune.

curiously The spot is very similar to the Independent Film Festival Buenos Aires (BAFICI) 2008:

2 - Shame Ibarra.
The street course that made the candidate for deputy for the City of Buenos Aires, Anibal Ibarra, ended in embarrassment ever seen in recent times. On the campaign, the most important journalistic news Argentina invited several candidates to "go out" to meet people and see the reaction I had with each community. The feeling with the people sent to millions of television undoubtedly sell very well. This same thought Aníbal Ibarra and his advisers in communication, being invited to walk the streets of Buenos Aires, Tuvia me were Jor idea that "build a scene" with supporters or people paid to demonstrate As they love. But it was discovered and the result was a blow that virtually ended the political life of Ibarra.

3 - eggs Judge.
One of the "color notes" campaign was provided by Luis Juez, congressional candidate for the province of Cordoba, who had the idea to sell eggs to finance ass and show that he had the "guts" to win, or as he said his motto: "eggs change course. " The campaign "Balls to change history" intended to generate a funding modality selling a dozen eggs for five pesos. Another undignified images gave us the 2009 election campaign.

4 - De Narváez dancing by one vote.
Television remains the space chosen by politicians to show the way it is, even if he is mocking his image. Following the motto "no bad press" and in order to project its image to the youngest voters, Narvaez was presented and n the TV with the largest television audience of Argentina. In the "Big Brother in Law" of imitators caricatured Showmatch several candidates with weak scripts and a few ideas, but when the characters and bored, opened the "right of reply" in which candidates were invited to "originals." Narvaez opened the space with a reggaeton choreography and dancing with her impersonator, a situation that was ever the frivolity of politics and the despair of his actors for a minute of air to appear before an electorate undecided, uneducated and politically disinterested. In the absence of a debate of ideas and seriousness, the electorate was fed with dancing, laughter and lots of shame, or lack thereof.

5 - A lack of candidates, Spots Testimonials .
This election campaign was tainted by a feature that made it unique: The candidacy of politicians who would not assume office. The Government, through the Front for Victory, led the list as candidates for national deputies to several members who were serving or government executive positions and that did not hide their true intentions: the deputies not to assume as once have voted. He was one of the biggest criticisms of the entire arch opponent to the case titled "candidates testimonial "because it would never come to occupy such positions in parliament. Instead of denying or discouraging this accusation, her publicist, the experienced Braga Menéndez, launched a series of television spots that helped to worsen the scene and, ironically, reinforced the concept of "testimonial." The messages were ads featuring merchants, grandparents, workers, ultimately, by the citizens themselves, but never appeared candidates who had to vote. The absence of images transformed these television ads real "testimonials spots" that did more than energize the critical discourse of the opposition. Spot
