trasandino The diplomat confirmed that Argentina is poised to become a potential importer Chile's electricity to cover peak periods.
"Indeed, there have been talks and have been at the highest level.
interconnection has been said that, in periods in Argentina there is record demand, as are several summer seasons, and Chile have surplus, can happen, "Zaldivar said the newspaper La Tercera of the capital trasandina.
shipments would fall under a mechanism of "swap" similar to that in force with Brazil, which provides that part of the energy is returned during the year and part to settle in cash.
Paradoxically, "Installation" will be used to bring the Chilean energy to the province of Salta had been built in the late 90's to "export" market-MW Argentina Andes. Today the region of Northern Chile has a generating capacity of 4,000 MW against a total demand fails to exceed 2,000 MW. This balance of 2,000 MW that the government of Sebastian Piñera is offering Kirchner administration for periods of peak consumption.
addition to power, Chile is also able to supply natural gas to the Argentine market.
In the second half of 2010, both governments signed a "cooperation agreement" that opened the doors for imports of gas.
The intention of the Planning Minister Julio De Vido is to start with gas imports from Chile in the winter to strengthen the supply and to minimize cuts to industries in the months before the October elections.
The supply scheme Chilean handle it plans to deliver gas by pipeline from the north and to receive as compensation for local deliveries in the south to improve the situation of Methanex, the world's largest producer of methanol that has limited production since 2004 by the closure of exports available to the Kirchner government. According
warned former Secretary of Energy last democratic government, the balance of energy management kirchnerismo shows a country increasingly dependent on external fuel supply. Between 2003 and 2010, imports of natural gas grew by 3,572%, while those of gasoline climbed 2,943%. In the case of oil, foreign purchases increased by 133% and the side of the fuel oil, imports, mostly made directly to Venezuela rose from 25 tons per year to 708,844 tonnes / year, marking a rise of 2,835,276 %.
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