Under the motto "New Paradigm for Government Action", was inaugurated Forum Politics that, from the development of an event in person, look open a field of multi-stakeholder dialogue that aims to strengthen and enrich the discussion and reflection on the challenges and opportunities presented by new technologies information and communication technologies (ICTs) for the exercise of government, political representation and citizenship building.
Organized by the Foundation CiGob The Politics Forum 2011 event will be held on March 22 with the special participation of former president of Chile, Dr. Ricardo Lagos in the auditorium of the Centro Cultural Borges in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
The proposed forum aims to overcome Politics exclusively technological visions (centered on the discussion of tools) and communication (focusing exclusively on the presence of political actors in social networks). This is how once the event occurs, the Forum will continue the discussion Politics of the topics concerned through an innovative digital platform that will allow all stakeholders; both political leaders officials, governments, NGOs, think tanks and citizens , to pursue an exchange virtuoso in a common space.
The proposed forum aims to overcome Politics exclusively technological visions (centered on the discussion of tools) and communication (focusing exclusively on the presence of political actors in social networks). This is how once the event occurs, the Forum will continue the discussion Politics of the topics concerned through an innovative digital platform that will allow all stakeholders; both political leaders officials, governments, NGOs, think tanks and citizens , to pursue an exchange virtuoso in a common space.
addition to the prominent presence of Dr. Ricardo Lagos, who will give a lecture, the Forum is invited Politics Rafael Estrella, Ambassador of Spain to Argentina, Featured and referents as César Calderón, Alejandro Piscitelli, Andrew Schuschny, Hernán Nadal (Greenpeace) and Daniel Helft (Google) who will provide lectures about 2.0.
two panels Theme:
- "The challenges facing the complexity Government 2.0" with the presence of Carlos Tomada (Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security of Argentina), Rodolfo Laffitte ( Secretary of State for Public Management and Procurement in the Province of Neuquén) and Francisco Cabrera (Minister of Economic Development of the City of Buenos Aires).
- "ICTs as tools for enhancing the representativeness" with representatives of political party: Juan Ignacio Belbis (UCR) Sebastián Lorenzo (PJ) and Rudi Borrmann (PRO).
participates as a partner Web Policy Forum 2011 Politics, a space that seeks to position itself as a regional reference for discussion and reflection of issues related to Web 2.0, politics and government.
To learn more about the admission Politics Forum www.foropolitics.org
To learn more about the admission Politics Forum www.foropolitics.org
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