Monday, March 28, 2011
Jenna Jameson Mechanic
Construction Sector - 1995
construction sector's GDP grew 17.5 percent, reflecting the one hand, the implementation of infrastructure projects, residential and, secondly, the continuation of the Rehabilitation and Maintenance roads administered by the Ministry of Transport, Communications, Housing and Construction as well as conducting educational infrastructure and irrigation by the public sector, which was Executing Unit Development Institute (INADE). Among the infrastructure projects of the private sector include those related the hotel sector, aimed to address the recovery of tourism, which meant an extension of 6 744 rooms considering hotels, hostels and 1 578, taking into account only hotels. Among the main buildings include La Colina del Golf, House San Isidro Club, Los Andenes de Monterrico. Park and Royal House Suites Hotels in San Isidro, El Pilar and Palace Apart. in Lima, the Monastery and the Holiday Inn in Cusco and the Grand Marquis in Trujillo. Also. expanded hotels and El Pardo El Olivar in Lima, Ica Mossone and El Libertador, Arequipa and Cusco. In addition, several projects came running. such as Oro Verde Hotel. Dolphins. Apart Plaza Park in the capital and the Holiday Inn in Arequipa. For its part, the public housing projects developed by the National Company for Construction and Building (ENAC) with the construction of housing in various parts of the country, while the National Institute of Educational Infrastructure and Health Services (INFES) continued with the construction of schools. With regard to projects managed by Inada, work continued on the Jequetepeque-Zana (Talambo Canal construction) and the second stage of the Chavimochic, while work was carried out repair and maintenance in the reservoir Poechos. The Rehabilitation and Maintenance Program Road included a total of 1 35 1 km, of which 1 034 were for the North American. 100 to the American South and Highway 217 to Central. With it. it reached a 94 percent advance in the bid and reaches 78 percent of scheduled. On the other hand, started the Pilot Project for Rural Roads Rehabilitation and Improvement of Streets. with the reconstruction of 1 524 km deprimiday economy more difficult to access, located in Ancash. Apurimac, Ayacucho. Cajamarca, Cusco and Huancavelica.
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