ago Some years I wrote a small article on a book I bought called "How a woman go crazy in bed" was not anything specific or many details, but rather was a reflection on what led me to buy and what found on their front pages, now reviewing the statistics for my blog I find that many people end up coming to my page specifically for that topic, although I wrote something very simple, so I thought that if both are interested, write a mixture of I read that book and part of what I think are important things in that regard.
Not being a registered professional Sexology or something related like to discuss it with support "legal", I think if a woman or an expert / a reads this and considers that there are things that are not true or to be improved are welcome to comment, argue, and help .
first thing that comes to mind when people think about it is the Kamasutra, the point G, the thousand and one position of a particular author or can do what others can not, all these things can help, but not the starting point.
As a curious note, in fact knew that the Kamasutra is not a book that was intended to talk about sex? The central idea is to find the path toward balance in our lives and meet our objectives, known as the four Purusharthas: Dharma, Artha, Khama and Moksha. These goals represent
- Justice
- I
- Wealth and Salvation or Liberation
The part related to sex is that of Khama just simply wanted to sell more than just focus on that section of the Kamasutra , being a much more complex and elaborate.
What comes first? Forget having to do with something purely physical, but we are men attracted to what we see, slender bodies, bulky, attractive faces, striking in some way, in women not always apply the same formula, but also takes effect on them to see a shapely body, physically the first things you tend to attract attention to women are: big arms, legs and well shaped rear, broad shoulders and handsome face are the main points that they might attract, but nothing can be taken as a single point or law to encourage or achieve more.
If the physical is not paramount, then I can be a pig or sickly thin? Nor is the case, even though women may attach more importance to other aspects, health and a better performance on the day day and including the sexual, it is recommended that we stay in shape or at least perform some physical activity regularly. You do not need the body of one million dollars, but enough to have a little careful with our bodies.
Now, with this clear, what is the first step? Although some do not seem ... The first thing is to listen and learn . Listen and learn what? The typical problem that we awarded to men is that we are not sympathetic to women who do not understand them, we do not know what they want .... And let's face it, most of the time is right, because we're in another wave, we worry about other things, do not pay attention to the emotional aspect of a relationship. Exactly the same happens in the sexual plane, but in both cases there is a simple way to solve it (I said simple, not easy), asking, talking, listening and learning from what they say. Generally
each of us knows what he likes and how she likes , or I will say they do not know why they like chocolate ice cream or Coca Cola, there's always a reason. The same happens in the sex, the only downside is that some people are embarrassed to speak for fear of "what people say," but at least if you're stuck in a relationship partner at some point I need to clarify these things. And if my partner does not know what you like ...?? This can also happen, by the same fear of saying something he did not like many women remain silent and not say for a long time, sometimes it's a cultural thing ... If a child will show it as a taboo, is likely to be afraid to face it later.
If you as a person very interested in your partner, have patience and help you gradually discover what you like best ... At this point the most important thing is not being afraid to experience different things in different places in different ways ... Obviously it carefully without hurting yourself, the idea is to test avoid injury. In these cases it can help a book with different techniques, positions, or simply let your imagination.
I know what you like, with that I'm a champion and I will succeed with all women in the world? All, every human being in general is a world, a different combination, there may be things that work with several people, but never exactly how, or under the same conditions.
Eye, I'm not promoting promiscuity, simply clarifying some ideas. Personally I think a relationship becomes much better and is more enjoyable when you have a steady partner with whom you can communicate and learn. But everyone is free to choose what you do in your life at the end, no?
Ok, I get that I must listen and learn, the next step? Here something that can be done first and does not need a woman, learn to control our body, breath, contractions, speed and strength. We own our bodies and our brain is in charge of handling the reactions, if we want to experience as I said before, it is important to have control of our body, do not despair, for this there are thousands of exercises of all kinds, from relaxation exercises, breathing, muscle control, etc ... As the most famous exercises to control the PC muscle (pubococcygeus) which, inter alia in the case of men helps prevent premature ejaculation and allow that special moment with our partner to be more durable. Just a quick search on google and find thousands of articles about it, with that we have some work ahead to research and practice. Yes careful to believe what he says directly the first item, if they can find a more reliable source is better.
Another important tip that many go unnoticed ... We must learn to kiss ! Have you ever asked your partner how you feel regarding your kisses? And what if you do not like, but do not tell them not to hurt them? It's different if you ask us is basic and is what part of the preamble and is often taken for granted that right.
One of the strongest things for men is the belief demystify , is common among young people bragging saying that one has the bigger penis than the other, that if they can endure for hours, they can do it again and again without rest, in short, the list can be long. Most of the time are pure lies just for show off and try to look good. And those who do not lie, as well them, but not so the rest should be discouraged.
The strength in this case is that although many men deny it, can end up dragging these beliefs or myths into adulthood and if not clear, can not be sure of themselves in the sexual plane, enjoy and let your partner also thoroughly enjoy, and to keep thinking "I'm not like so and so" or not I have what he has or what I can do it.
Part of the belief is that size is extremely important, although it has an effect is more related to the physical characteristics of your partner and then in the art or the way you do. Any extreme is complicated very small or very large, it is always a problem, but it comes down to knowing what to do with what you have.
What to last for hours, does not mean that we have the strength of Superman, while maintaining a good level of cardio support (so it's good exercise), what other worry is to supplement, not simply get you to bed with her because I felt like it, women often can help the preamble to the act itself is much stronger and better reactions if stimulation was appropriate, a romantic evening, the words spoken in appropriate time, touching, remembering something that is important to her, well, worry about them. It's also good to know that you can not greatly prolong this stage or end up killing the time and missing the point.
a myth: if she has never had an orgasm, does not work. This is false, although it would be ideal to take her to climax every time, not always possible, may be many factors in this case the important thing is not to get frustrated and just as you both enjoy the moment, may be a satisfactory relationship without orgasm and still leave them both with a smile from ear to ear and wanting to stay snuggled in bed. Mind you, I do not say that did not keep trying, you have to change, the change helps.
One myth that I once heard from friends: You have to be a machine, go on and on without stopping. If you are superman, flash or some super hero may be able to believe. This is linked to fitness and pace to carry, at times to maintain a certain speed and strength can be satisfying, but it does not mean the same for all women, or at all times. There will be times that on the contrary, is much better to go slow, varying in circular motions. And how will I know when to do one thing or another? Listen, feel and see .. Watch the reactions they have, what you said, not only with words but with gestures, with looks, sounds, each piece of information lets you know what should be the next step ... At first you are going to fail? Perhaps, but as you learn a little more, it will become better.
Do not just visible points, men can have a tendency to look specifically provided in the same areas of the body and there is much more to explore, there are thousands of nerve endings and can sometimes find a "weak" the most unexpected place.
And finally (because there is no more, but I already believe that the article is long enough to continue releasing information), a key difference between men and women is that they react to different impulses, men react more to the touch and vision, we like to see and touch ... Women like to hear more and feel, can motivate and make you feel much better a woman something that seems as simple as telling how beautiful you are, what we feel for her, because we like what we want with it, their reactions are connected to your emotional state and let's face it, it never hurts to speak.
Now, I say nice things in bed? Yes and no, that's what you need to know your partner, there are women who like them say dirty things in bed, others prefer pretty words, discover do you like your partner, but yes, do not stay silent, communicate, listen and get to hear ... The idea here is not to become an inquisitive and questioning every 5 minutes if you're doing well, use your senses.
is what I think I can contribute, as I said, I do not think that is free of flaws I am no expert on the subject, so any comment or recommendation that want to contribute, they can discuss and argue the case then I can add or correct.
Enjoy ....
PD: For those who want to read some more tips or find someone who came across on the Internet and comments interesting is the sexologist Alessia Di Bari, is a young Mexican and without fear of approaching different topics, can be found on twitter: @ sexologadibari as in Facebook this group and its blog: http:// /
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