Former President of Chile, Eduardo Frei, was the best choice as presidential candidate by the coalition after a series of twists and turns in which Ricardo Lagos was appointed as José Miguel Insulza (OAS Secretary General) as the favorites to succeed Bachelet in front of the Palacio de la Moneda. Frei's appointment seemed to surprise everyone, including Marco Enríquez-Ominami, a young leader of the Socialist Party (within the structure of the Coalition) that wanted to run for an intern within the ruling party. When he refused to contest the nomination internal Concertación Enriquez-Ominami went to stand as independent, taking with him a large number of militants and leaders of importance.
But wear the Coalition had begun earlier, in October 2008 when they lost the municipal elections, which resulted in a blow to a presidential election year. But went on affirming the positive image maintained the President Michelle Bachelet.
As we have analyzed the case of Piñera, Frei's team has also worked effectively in a web campaign tracking and primarily to strengthen the image of the former president who, given that its two main Enriquez-Ominami rivals-and-Piñera, have the advantage of showing a change of air for the last few decades. He also played against his age, as the profile of its two direct competitors with more youthful image, thought otherwise impact on the youth of the Chilean electorate from the outset.
As expected, all three candidates worked very well the campaign website: full-time, managing the spaces, promoting civic participation and changing tactical operations along the different stages of the campaign. EDUARDO FREI
Frei - The Coordination
The Frei's campaign website has undergone modifications since its inception to date of the election. At first, when he began the long journey pre-election, image design worked for his campaign team had many similarities to the page of any American candidate.
Here we show the changes in style and web design Concertación candidate as the election campaign was developed:
very radical changes in the visual communication of a candidate cause "noise" in the channels of communication. These "nuisances" in the communication process between political and threaten voters strongly against the message the candidate wants to convey to the voter.
But little by little his projection was getting a visual communication with its own identity, achieving distinction as a "brand" with a distinguished label rather than a foreign imitation. The achievements in this area must highlight undoubtedly, beyond that in this respect was much neglected in comparison with its competitors, and Enríquez-Ominami Piñera, who achieved a visual seal immediately hit on people since the beginning of the electoral dispute. In contrast, the repeated changes Frei hurt, beyond the excellent final results in the final design of your campaign website. It took them long to find a visual impact. Finally they found him, but perhaps later.
Looking at the final work can not but congratulate those who carried out the visual change. The development of a serious work in the graphic area and a stunning visual design, allowed him to develop a message of strength and support on your page using text boxes with many colorful backgrounds, which help solidify the texts that are within them. The use of strong tones in the logotype of Frei was one of the most effective and a radical change with respect to the candidate's name on your old page. We looked for a modern font, sans serif; strong cutting Capitalized allowed to have a deeper impact on the home page of your website. And for the auction was accentuated an exclamation mark turned out to be an image associated with widely used as a label for various communication vehicles throughout the campaign.
The simple keypad evoking the achievements of the Coalition over the years he ruled, the proposals for the next mandate and not much else, a space called "Manifesto" with phrases of self-motivation and encouragement, and a button "Download" in which users / voters had access to download information and any kind of proselytizing material to conduct their own campaigns and can carry the message to the street and the rest of the network. Always all with titles in capitals and colorful.
Frei Group on Facebook
In Facebook campaign team of Eduardo Frei seems to have raised a working strategy to achieve the recruitment of sufficient support. While his fan page has more than 13 thousand fans, the group was not the case and just joined about 600 people. The contrast is greater when compared with the anti Frei created by the campaign team of his rival, Pinera, who created a space to attack the candidate of the coalition under the clever slogan "Frei No More" and earned the support of more than 78 thousand people.
Twitter twitter.com / equipofrei
twitter.com / noticiasfrei
Instead of having a unique profile, two spaces were managed with two separate accounts, one news of former president and one of his campaign team which reported the latest pre-election the candidate of the Concertación. His team was responsible for bringing you the latest news and his followers, but failed to appreciate the strategy that led to the generation of two accounts, so much so that did not differ greatly from each other and both spaces published virtually the same content. The "followers" became more than 4 000 in one and about 3 thousand in another.
You Tube www.youtube.com / freichile
The open space was highly exploited to display the entire visual material from campaign speeches, campaign commercials until closing. Like any channel that does a great user traction, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Coalition managed to place their banner with its isotype characteristic of the campaign. Managed to raise over 50 000 channel views and made a lot of interaction with people, something that can be seen in more than 300 comments that had the canal and the 300-odd subscribers.
Political Campaign Spots
Finally we bring you a compilation of campaign commercials Frei. The first is the poor and weak, the spot is a classic example of "video resume", which are displayed qualities, virtues or positive things did the politician in question. Usually not the effect you are looking for and can not persuade the electorate, much less a second round in which it is important to capture the vote of those who at first did not vote. When you make such generalized statements as to the candidate (Frei in this case) was the man who "reduced poverty by half", is simplified in a very rough relationship that voters know it is much more complex. The electorate requires direct and simple message, but it should not be "taken for a ride" because he understands that issues such as poverty reduction, there is a confluence of conditions, actions and events to make this possible.
is also the best spot Frei campaign called "It's not the same" with a catchy jingle that was armed to face the second round and sought to persuade voters who in the first instance of the other candidates voted for the left and center Ominanmi or Arrate.
The jingle is very catchy, beyond then, the results and the victory of Piñera, appear to have placated the motivating effect that tried to cause the spot. At the end it seems that yes was the same. " Check it out:
Political Campaign Spots
Finally we bring you a compilation of campaign commercials Frei. The first is the poor and weak, the spot is a classic example of "video resume", which are displayed qualities, virtues or positive things did the politician in question. Usually not the effect you are looking for and can not persuade the electorate, much less a second round in which it is important to capture the vote of those who at first did not vote. When you make such generalized statements as to the candidate (Frei in this case) was the man who "reduced poverty by half", is simplified in a very rough relationship that voters know it is much more complex. The electorate requires direct and simple message, but it should not be "taken for a ride" because he understands that issues such as poverty reduction, there is a confluence of conditions, actions and events to make this possible.
is also the best spot Frei campaign called "It's not the same" with a catchy jingle that was armed to face the second round and sought to persuade voters who in the first instance of the other candidates voted for the left and center Ominanmi or Arrate.
The jingle is very catchy, beyond then, the results and the victory of Piñera, appear to have placated the motivating effect that tried to cause the spot. At the end it seems that yes was the same. " Check it out:
To see more videos of the electoral campaign of Chile and other countries access our Web Policy TV channel .
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