Tool The bird is usually one of exceptional use for politicians and officials who want to make known their management, comment on current issues, turn his political thinking, to share things with people, among others. The truth is that few political leaders before opening his account at Twitter stop to think what will communicate there in that space and How will. O When twitter: they will often, regularly ... and this immediately leads us to consider, or otherwise, who is the other side to receive our tweetts; to our fans.
Some politicians do not realize how heavy it can render times - especially in campaign-the "want to publish it." This causes an adverse outcome to that intended originally to open an account at Twitter, who let him continue because they tolerate his inconsequential tweetts have nothing original to say.
Guidelines communication via Twitter
Politicians increasingly encourage the Twitter and even sometimes get neck-deep in arguments or fights with his opponents, falling in disqualification and up insult to his critics, or ridicule for fighting with everyone. This will encourage many times to say that Twitter does not dare to say in public and having no scheduled or intended to be done with that tool of communication, they fall into a few happy places. You could say that Twitter is the perfect tool to fit the personality of who handles it. If you look carefully some accounts of different policy can be determined that send part of his personality on Twitter as it is feasible to assess aspects of their mettle in the style of your tweets.
sometimes not measured or evaluated what could be the consequences of its 140 characters, converted to date in a real source of information for mass media at the time of raising public statements and make other way more "popular" as television or newspapers online. And what is also interesting to notice is that all these statements coming up in Twitter are indexed by search engines Google, with some tweets which can be placed online.
These issues are important to try to generate strategies that we open channels on the Internet, are social networks, audiovisual spaces, blogs, etc. Channel pattern is part of the work that makes better use of each space but based revenues is used to make medium and long term in terms of positioning on the internet and display that we intend to achieve.
But back to Twitter to see what the "style tweets" that are typically found on the web by politicians.
The Tribune style Tweet Policy
course Twitter is a tool for greater customization and therefore, if fully built by a politician, often conforms to the personality of it. This is how it is very useful for political chicanery, statements spicy, irony and an exchange of ideas unfriendly or aggressive tone.
Taking this posture of "political grandstanding" has as main drawback the power of reaction. That is, we must be willing to return the chicane, which is easy for the politician who handles your account personally, but not for those whose account is managed by advisers or technical equipment. Be prepared to know what and how to respond, but also with whom I will keep these virulent exchanges of opinion, because it is not the same as a minister to discuss with a benchmark opponent with each city or sympathetic opposition to it across online.
thing to note is that also runs the risk of permanent disqualification and that the braid with another politician in these ways show us the same way that a TV program or other setting. People are a little tired of this, because you can fight a bit somewhere, but you can not fight all the time everywhere.
Another detail to consider when twitter is the most important to my consideration, is that there are discussions that are background and are very difficult to carry out from this space . Mainly because Twitter, for its limitation to 140 characters, precludes a serious basis. When you start a discussion without attacks, but strong in the exchange of views and visions, usually ends up falling in aggression and the disqualification. Why does this happen? Often because of the same partners, but sometimes it is the tool, the Twitter platform, which does not allow more widespread to achieve a lift of speech is being taken forward. Then completed in the simplification of issues that require a deep analysis of at least an argument that includes an observation of greater richness and nuance. In an effort to win the argument is rounded, and so easy to fall into a reductionism that takes the blame, accusation and aggression toward the partner.
One of the most important political figures in Argentina fell in love with Twitter is the Chief of Staff's Office, Anibal Fernandez, who is one of the clear examples of "tribunero style."
One of the most important political figures in Argentina fell in love with Twitter is the Chief of Staff's Office, Anibal Fernandez, who is one of the clear examples of "tribunero style."
eavesdropping on the Government of the City:
The same Anibal Fernandez got into a discussion that was hard to aggressive tones with journalist Alfredo Leuco. The insults continued for a while until completion in the ridiculous when it emerged that it was a twitterer posing for Leuco.
For this reason, if we adopt this Twit style, is also important to choose with whom let's keep our debates than 140 characters.
An official who fights with any "ordinary citizen" remains the best image and sometimes it's best not to respond to increpancias not to get to that point. For it is important to select who I'm going to "fight" and, of course, concerned confirm that person.
home style refers to reveal secrets of their personal lives and has ensured its success among those fans who want to see the side "more human "politician to speak in a vulgar. I mean, this is the aspect of" naive " or most banal of our political leaders, to get into their lives to meet personal issues in their daily lives. is part of what I call the "backstage" of politics and that undoubtedly is very interesting but provided it is clear what the limits of that content being dumped into the canal.
But talk followed minutiae is not good and can produce adverse effects on our fans or other users. The politician must be aware that it is good to know something of his private life but also both. Sometimes phrases are usually armed twitter few happy moments for the rest of the citizens, when Francisco de Narvaez said, after the disqualification of Argentina's World Cup in South Africa, something like that had fallen an illusion but there was still the illusion of change the country ... or something similar. You can imagine the amount of abuse he received via Twitter.
Internet communication means advertise, organize, and then manage in terms strategy that was decided for each channel.
The Agenda and Tweet
Management Undoubtedly Twitter is a useful tool to communicate the political agenda and especially to be able to spread governance. Demonstrate the day-to-day management may be interesting for citizens might be interested in what we do is being done, however there is a risk that a versatile tool like Twitter is subject to a simple act of excluding the relationship permanent press with people.
These tweets are very effective when complemented by other actions such as'm just linking to documents, to pictures that illustrate what is being said, notes and articles, videos, etc.. So when driving a twitter account in this regard is important that EFET tweets illustrate the day's agenda and that it can be deduced from the information we went twittering.
For this reason, if we adopt this Twit style, is also important to choose with whom let's keep our debates than 140 characters.
An official who fights with any "ordinary citizen" remains the best image and sometimes it's best not to respond to increpancias not to get to that point. For it is important to select who I'm going to "fight" and, of course, concerned confirm that person.
The style Tweet Home
not is that it's something bad or anything like it. However there is a fine line between having political issues facing the management and reporting for all his followers pebete that ate bologna for lunch during the session. home style refers to reveal secrets of their personal lives and has ensured its success among those fans who want to see the side "more human "politician to speak in a vulgar. I mean, this is the aspect of" naive " or most banal of our political leaders, to get into their lives to meet personal issues in their daily lives. is part of what I call the "backstage" of politics and that undoubtedly is very interesting but provided it is clear what the limits of that content being dumped into the canal.
But talk followed minutiae is not good and can produce adverse effects on our fans or other users. The politician must be aware that it is good to know something of his private life but also both. Sometimes phrases are usually armed twitter few happy moments for the rest of the citizens, when Francisco de Narvaez said, after the disqualification of Argentina's World Cup in South Africa, something like that had fallen an illusion but there was still the illusion of change the country ... or something similar. You can imagine the amount of abuse he received via Twitter.
Internet communication means advertise, organize, and then manage in terms strategy that was decided for each channel.
The Agenda and Tweet
Management Undoubtedly Twitter is a useful tool to communicate the political agenda and especially to be able to spread governance. Demonstrate the day-to-day management may be interesting for citizens might be interested in what we do is being done, however there is a risk that a versatile tool like Twitter is subject to a simple act of excluding the relationship permanent press with people.
These tweets are very effective when complemented by other actions such as'm just linking to documents, to pictures that illustrate what is being said, notes and articles, videos, etc.. So when driving a twitter account in this regard is important that EFET tweets illustrate the day's agenda and that it can be deduced from the information we went twittering.