2.0 The Policy is in a time of growing both actions in campaigns stations that are carried out in the world today, c omo by policy actions applied to Internet communications that are starting to implement the Governments. The issue has been in vogue since the actions of Obama on the campaign elecotral and now from his presidential term, but the fate illustrates a way ro dent enmcarcado Internet. It's simple, hard return results in the coming years, government efforts to set aside for Internet communication.
elos Whether in municipal governments and from the provincial government until the president, all should in one way or another incorporate web tools to communicate citizens with an alternative. To make this possible new positions should be taken communication to the executive branch try to think what might be the best ways to reach people. This requires defining a new concept at the time of communicating, which provides Web 2.0 with its own rules that are alien to the traditional avenues of communication.
communications equipment Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, president of Brazil nte obviously took a definite attitude and opened the Planalto Blog, a space that fulfills the function of occupying that place so far non-existent that manages to bring the president and his people. The Blog is named after the presidential palace and it is looking to reach people all the activity of President Lula on a daily basis as stated in his presentation: "We are here to share with you information about the daily life of the presidency."
These spaces of communication not only serves to show daily ACIT rulers, but to help "humanize " public figures who seem unattainable for most people. This will shorten the gap between the people and maximum referencencia national or municipal government, and enable political leaders and ordinary people s which also have certain actions in your life that are beyond their ordinary extraordinary role as Heads of State.
Blog do Planalto The main figure is the president Lula, who was responsible for receiving users through a video uploaded to YouTube, and features the work of an entire team that carries out its administration.
elos Whether in municipal governments and from the provincial government until the president, all should in one way or another incorporate web tools to communicate citizens with an alternative. To make this possible new positions should be taken communication to the executive branch try to think what might be the best ways to reach people. This requires defining a new concept at the time of communicating, which provides Web 2.0 with its own rules that are alien to the traditional avenues of communication.
communications equipment Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, president of Brazil nte obviously took a definite attitude and opened the Planalto Blog, a space that fulfills the function of occupying that place so far non-existent that manages to bring the president and his people. The Blog is named after the presidential palace and it is looking to reach people all the activity of President Lula on a daily basis as stated in his presentation: "We are here to share with you information about the daily life of the presidency."
These spaces of communication not only serves to show daily ACIT rulers, but to help "humanize " public figures who seem unattainable for most people. This will shorten the gap between the people and maximum referencencia national or municipal government, and enable political leaders and ordinary people s which also have certain actions in your life that are beyond their ordinary extraordinary role as Heads of State.
Blog do Planalto The main figure is the president Lula, who was responsible for receiving users through a video uploaded to YouTube, and features the work of an entire team that carries out its administration.
The excuse to open this channel of communication as shown in the same blog, is to "better understand the concerns of citizens." However, the blog fails in its chief aim by not allowing comment Internet users, because it makes the site a one-way channel where the receiver only receives information cutting the communication process dynamic in which this reader becomes issuer to present its point of view.
Bem vind @ s ao Planalto Blog!
Billed as "the new channel of communication between the government and society," Lula's Blog, as it is commonly known, had some complications and garnered critical few days. While launch day Blog of many technical complications that arose, according to oficales, were due to heavy traffic of users who brought down the servers, the main criticism of the new communication space by cibernavegantes was filed with the inability to leave comments.
Simply deny space to those willing to discuss it provoked a strong denial among visitors to the Blog. Whether to leave positive or negative criticism, it is incomprehensible that those who developed the area decided to leave out the possibility of feedback from people, which is the basis of Web 2.0. Of course all these dynamic areas so exposed to outer politicians, but there are ways to regulate them without having to nullify the opinion space for our readers.
The Blog has a link to "critical & suggestive" as a suggestion box where you can post a comment but does not appear in the site. There were also harsh comments because the president is not directly involved in its preparation, which could be a bit more sympathetic because of the busy schedules of a representative, but the focus of complaints was in the missing spaces opinion and participation of the new channel communication opened the Lula government.
This case is exemplary of the reactions that occur in cyberspace when it decides to take initiatives in the Web 2.0 communication. What will be the feedback from the other side? No one will have a strong response to respond, but if you look at other cases and investigate the difficulties presented to it, can prevent certain attitudes that users can take on these new spaces of communication.
After a few days of being online, the Planalto blog has already received its biggest blow: it was cloned. Cyberspace was responsible for the bulk rebuking error and brought to everyone's surprise a replica of the official site whose main difference is that it has spaces for users to comment, criticize or praise, respecting the free spirit that characterizes Web 2.0.
The almost identical copy of "Lula's Blog" is permitted by law as it is developed under license from the company Creative Commons that allows the complete reproduction of the content, as long as they cite the original source.
The official site is under the direction blog.planalto.gov.br "while the copy has been lodged as planalto.blog.br ." Daniel Padua, a member of the team's official blog, said "it was going to happen at some point" and there was no way around it. But it is rather confusing that, knowing what could happen, did not take the precautions on the subject. The clone of the site received the first comments supporting the initiative: "This is real democracy," "This is the official blog," ended censorship, "were among the thousands of comments that could be read.
Billed as "the new channel of communication between the government and society," Lula's Blog, as it is commonly known, had some complications and garnered critical few days. While launch day Blog of many technical complications that arose, according to oficales, were due to heavy traffic of users who brought down the servers, the main criticism of the new communication space by cibernavegantes was filed with the inability to leave comments.
Simply deny space to those willing to discuss it provoked a strong denial among visitors to the Blog. Whether to leave positive or negative criticism, it is incomprehensible that those who developed the area decided to leave out the possibility of feedback from people, which is the basis of Web 2.0. Of course all these dynamic areas so exposed to outer politicians, but there are ways to regulate them without having to nullify the opinion space for our readers.
The Blog has a link to "critical & suggestive" as a suggestion box where you can post a comment but does not appear in the site. There were also harsh comments because the president is not directly involved in its preparation, which could be a bit more sympathetic because of the busy schedules of a representative, but the focus of complaints was in the missing spaces opinion and participation of the new channel communication opened the Lula government.
This case is exemplary of the reactions that occur in cyberspace when it decides to take initiatives in the Web 2.0 communication. What will be the feedback from the other side? No one will have a strong response to respond, but if you look at other cases and investigate the difficulties presented to it, can prevent certain attitudes that users can take on these new spaces of communication.
After a few days of being online, the Planalto blog has already received its biggest blow: it was cloned. Cyberspace was responsible for the bulk rebuking error and brought to everyone's surprise a replica of the official site whose main difference is that it has spaces for users to comment, criticize or praise, respecting the free spirit that characterizes Web 2.0.
The almost identical copy of "Lula's Blog" is permitted by law as it is developed under license from the company Creative Commons that allows the complete reproduction of the content, as long as they cite the original source.
The official site is under the direction blog.planalto.gov.br "while the copy has been lodged as planalto.blog.br ." Daniel Padua, a member of the team's official blog, said "it was going to happen at some point" and there was no way around it. But it is rather confusing that, knowing what could happen, did not take the precautions on the subject. The clone of the site received the first comments supporting the initiative: "This is real democracy," "This is the official blog," ended censorship, "were among the thousands of comments that could be read.
The lesson is clear: it is important to play in the field of Web 2.0 , but understanding that has its own rules and must be respected. Actions like this from a government only cause adverse reactions resulting in more harm to his image because, ultimately, if they say they want to "listen" to their citizens but then let them say, the blog becomes a simple action demagogic.