Whether as part of a communication strategy for a campaign or a government administration, politicians must s find new ways to communicate better with citizens, not through the editorial filter represented in the traditional media, but directly to the message is not distorted. This is an gr challenge now must face the political and can be overcome if used correctly
course the use of tools
PRO led by Mauricio Macri, one of the most important actors in the upcoming legislative elections in Argentina on June 28, recently had problems with the creating fake sites because of campaigns against them. Among the sites are taking a major headache for more than one inside of PRO is an apocryphal Twitter page in addition to previous experience when something similar had happened with a Facebook profile of the Chief Mu nicipalities of
The case is a clear example that allows ana Lizar re actions and actions in the world of the Web
Habría que preguntarse de que sirve realmente esta clase de reacción. ¿Sirve quejarse de lo que otras partes hacen con las herramientas de
This type of experience really become healers "slaps" for politicians who use the Web tools
2.0 policy states otherwise directed to efore politicians, who must understand the communication paradigm shift we are experiencing.
The use of digital tools required to accept the re glas 2.0 gaming world is circumscribed by what the English call a "trade-off" or whether the situation involves a loss something in exchange for another benefit. For example, when the politician uses Faceboo k get exposed to great support from thousands of fans:
But it is also exposed to this:
However, after making serious work on Epolito, the most important result is collected is to obtain a direct dialogue with citizens, which in itself is the "modus operandi " of the Web